Frequently Asked Questions

  • Services at Refinement Room may be covered by your health insurance provider, and it is the client’s responsibility to verify eligibility with their insurance provider.

    Should your health insurance provider accept claims for Refinement Room’s services, it is the client’s responsibility to pay out of pocket and submit claims to their insurance provider for reimbursement.

  • Yes. Our Sliding Scale services are available on a limited basis. Charlene holds a portion of their caseload specifically for individuals who require a sliding scale, or reduced fee.

  • We respond to all requests and/or questions about appointments and Counsellor and Coach availability within 3 business days.

  • Yes. However, since evening and weekend requests are the most popular, we may not have openings that fit your exact scheduling needs, but we will do our best!

    Refinement Room offers appointments during the following times:

    Monday – Thursday: 8 AM – 7 PM

    Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM

    Saturdays and Sundays: 8 AM – 2 PM

  • We believe it is important for those who are caring for you to communicate and coordinate services. We will share information with others only after discussing this with you and only after you have signed an authorization for us to share information. You may also decide what type of information we will share and how frequently.

  • We accept credit cards and e-transfers.

  • Before arriving for your first appointment, it may be helpful for you to do a few things:

    First, if you plan on using insurance, please make contact with your insurance company to be sure you understand your benefits.

    Second, you may choose to familiarize yourself with our approach to therapy and policies related to clinical services. You may review our About section, which includes our history, principals, vision, mission, theory of change and values.

    Third, take a moment to think about what questions you might have for your therapist during your first sessions. It may also be helpful to think about what you would like to accomplish through your participation in a therapeutic relationship. Please remember that you do not have to tell your therapist “everything” during your first session. The first few months of therapy are a bidirectional assessment of fit. During this phase, and throughout the course of therapy, we welcome and encourage you to assess if your therapist is able to support you with your therapeutic goals. In turn, your therapist will assess if they believe they are able to offer you the support you identify that you are looking for.

    The very first session is an opportunity to share enough to begin to determine the fit between you and your therapist. As you continue in therapy, you will continue to shape and clarify your goals.

  • If you wish to cancel your appointment, please reach out directly to

  • While similar in many ways, there are distinct differences between psychotherapy and counselling. They are as follows:


    Long term: Therapeutic processes may extend over an extended period, spanning many years.

    Concentrates on persistent or long-standing problems.

    Psychotherapy utilizes treatment approaches guided by manuals and protocols.

    Therapies are often guided by theoretical frameworks, such as cognitive behavioural or Jungian approaches.

    Various forms of psychotherapy encompass verbal dialogue, cognitive behavioural techniques, artistic expression (such as art, drama, or music therapy), interactions with animals, and movement-based interventions.

    Therapeutic interventions may target deeply ingrained patterns of thinking and behaviour.

    Therapy may target a psychological disorder, or issues related to psychological functioning such as bipolar disorder, personality disorders, or schizophrenia.

    A trained mental health professional administers therapy. Most often, these professionals have their master’s degree in a counselling field or an equivalent program.

    Experiences and emotions often serve as the foundation for therapeutic exploration.

    Therapy may centre on fostering personal growth through a thorough examination of core issues.


    Often of shorter term/duration but may consist of a longer-term depending on the client.

    Most often, focuses on present issues.

    A counsellor is less inclined to administer therapy using a and protocols treatment manual.

    Less emphasis is placed on theoretical frameworks, instead more focus is on the relational aspect and clients’ needs in the moment.

    Primarily consists of talk therapy, and somatic therapy, is strength-based, mindfulness, emotion recognition and regulation. The basis of any form of counselling/therapy must contain safety and stabilization. For example, coping skills, relaxation techniques, grounding techniques, calm places, etc.

    May target specific behaviours or situations exclusively. This is looking at how a client’s experiences are showing up in the present moment.

    Addresses the challenges faced by individuals functioning in their daily lives. Keep in mind that any serious mental health issue is outside the scope of counselling. For example, a client who has difficulty getting out of bed daily may be experiencing a level of depression that is outside our scope of practice.

    Counselling is typically provided by mental health professionals, though volunteers or pastoral counsellors may also offer support. A master’s degree or an equivalent program is not required.

    Therapy may concentrate on modifying behaviours and actions. For example, emotion regulation and emotion recognition rather than the experiences that have caused the emotion.

    Counsellors may prioritize offering support, guidance, and problem-solving strategies for present challenges. For example, focusing on self-care, building self-compassion, self-respect, self-acceptance as this will help develop self-love.

    Charlene does not offer psychotherapy. Please reach out if you have any questions about this.