ADHD Coaching

We understand the challenges that can come with being neurodivergent in a neurotypical world. ADHD can make things like motivation, emotional regulation, impulse control, focus, task completion, and relationships harder, especially when we're held to standards that aren't in sync with our abilities and needs. 

Drawing from my personal experiences and professional training, I specialize in adult ADHD coaching, providing support tailored to the unique strengths and challenges associated with ADHD and neurodiversity. ADHD Coaching involves managing aspects of life that are difficult, identifying your strengths and preferences, developing structures that work for you, and weaving strategies to support you with your goals.

In addition to Solution-Focused Brief Therapy-informed practices and ADHD-CCSP training in evidence-based strategies for managing ADHD across the lifespan, I also recognize the importance of psychoeducation about what it means to live with ADHD. By understanding the intricacies of ADHD, clients can better navigate their experiences and cultivate strategies for success.

ADHD Coaching may be a good fit for you even if you don't have a formal ADHD diagnosis but suspect that you may be experiencing ADHD traits. Coaching will be combined with other therapeutic techniques. Together, we can navigate the challenges of ADHD in a way that is uniquely tailored to you, with confidence and clarity, unlocking your full potential along the way.

Main Challenges with ADHD:

Executive Dysfunction:
Difficulty in managing tasks, staying organized, and maintaining focus due to impaired executive functioning.

Time Management:
Struggles with punctuality, meeting deadlines, and prioritizing tasks effectively.

Tendency to act impulsively without considering consequences, leading to risky behaviours or decision-making.

Where do you see its effects?

Impact on Relationships
Struggling to maintain attention and following through on commitments can strain relationships with friends, family, partners and colleagues.
Impulsivity or emotional dysregulation/outbursts may lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and feelings of frustration or resentment in social interactions.

Work-Life Challenges
Difficulty in staying organized, managing time, and completing tasks on time can impair job performance and jeopardize career advancement opportunities.
Impulsivity and distractibility may result in errors, missed deadlines, and inconsistent work quality, leading to stress and dissatisfaction in the workplace.

Homelife Stressors
Struggles with household chores, managing finances, and maintaining routines can create tension and overwhelm.
Forgetfulness may result in overlooked responsibilities, misplaced items, and difficulty meeting family obligations, leading to frustration and conflict at home.

Benefits of ADHD Coaching

Increased sense of well-being

Constant feelings of overwhelm, frustration, and inadequacy due to unmanaged ADHD symptoms can erode self-esteem, confidence, and overall mental health. Difficulty in regulating emotions and managing stress may contribute to anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation or alienation from others.

Coaching can help develop new skills and harness current strengths so clients can come down from their constant state of overwhelm and become more present in the here and now.

Enhanced Relationships

Improve communication skills, conflict resolution strategies, and empathy to strengthen interpersonal relationships and foster deeper connections with others.

Cultivate understanding and acceptance of ADHD-related challenges in relationships, leading to greater empathy, support, and cooperation from partners, family members, and friends.

Improved Self-Regulation

Let’s develop effective and reasonable strategies for managing time, organizing tasks, and prioritizing responsibilities to increase productivity and efficiency in daily life.

You’ll learn techniques for impulse control, emotional regulation, and self-monitoring to minimize distractions and maintain focus on goals and priorities.

Greater Success and Fulfilment

Achieve greater clarity, purpose, and direction in personal and professional pursuits by aligning goals with strengths, values, and interests.

Let’s explore what can motivate you internally rather than relying on external motivation. Clients can experience increased confidence, resilience, and satisfaction in overcoming challenges and achieving meaningful milestones in life.

ADHD Coaching

  • One on One Sessions

    A 50-minute session tailored to your specific needs.

    These sessions include an indepth review of how your ADHD affects you daily-life and relationships, goal setting, and regular self-administered assessments to note progress.

  • Transformation Package

    A 3-month commitment to self-improvement. Twelve 50-minute virtual sessions.

    Clients committing to this package will meet with their coach once a week to review and adjust techniques to better suit their needs. Tailor-made resources and learning modules are also included.

  • Group ADHD Coaching

    A small cohort that meets virtually once a week to work on specific topics and skills each week. Gain access to our ADHD support community events like virtual body doubling sessions and our dedicated Discord Server.

    Cohort members also get a special rate for individual counselling and coaching sessions.

Let’s keep in touch!