Cultural Bereavement Survey

Refinement Room wants to understand what the immigration and acculturation experience was like for you.

Please take 15-20 minutes to complete our survey on cultural bereavement.

Your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. You may skip any question or withdraw at any time without any consequences.

All responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. No identifying information will be collected, and your responses will be used solely for research purposes.

By proceeding with this survey, you are giving your informed consent to participate in this research study. Should you be interested in the results of this research please reach out directly to or .

There are no known risks associated with this survey. While you may find some questions about bereavement emotionally challenging, your responses will contribute to valuable research that aims to better understand cultural bereavement.

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact Charlene at or (905) 961-5045.